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Bildschirmfoto 2020-06-06 um 10_Fotor..p


... praktiziere von zuhause und fühle dich dennoch verbunden ...

du kannst an allen Lektionen online teilnehmen

Montag 18-19:15       YOGA am ABEND

Mittwoch 10-11:15    YOGA für MOVERS

Donnerstag 9-10:15  YOGA am MORGEN


Wähle deinen Beitrag zwischen 15 - 25 Fr und stelle mir diesen mit der dir am bequemsten Zahlungsart zu. Für kleine Geldbeutel, spende was du kannst.

TWINT+41 76 267 09 95 Kommentar: YOGA

DE 2412 0300 0010 0462 4142, Deutsche Kreditbank Berlin

CH92 0900 0000 8777 7108 4, Postfinance 9000 St. Gallen

ÜBERWEISUNG: an Hella Immler


in EUR

via Mail:

via Telefon: +41 (0) 76 267 09 95


thank you for donating what you can

for people living and working in Switzerland thank you for paying between 15 - 25 CHF per class

TWINT+41 76 267 09 95 comment: YOGA

TRANSFER: to Hella Immler

CH92 0900 0000 8777 7108 4, Postfinance 9000 St. Gallen

DE 2412 0300 0010 0462 4142, Deutsche Kreditbank Berlin


in EUR


The Wednesday lessons were originally designed for dancers, now I open the online class up to all people who love to move and be a bit more challenged in their yoga practice. 
In this yoga vinyasa lesson we flow from one body posture to the next, always coordinating our movement with our breath. The intensive practice - consisting of asana (body posture), breathing and relaxation - supports us in building up strength, stamina and concentration, finding balance and improving our flexibility. Thanks to the yoga practice, body and mind will not only be awake, but also strengthened and stabilized. 
We will for sure end up with a smile on our face, and what is better than sharing a smile especially in those times...

"Peace, it does not mean to be in a place

where there is no noise, trouble or hard work.

It means to be in the midst of those things

and still be calm in your heart.”


Thich Nhat Hanh

Bildschirmfoto 2020-06-06 um 10_Fotor_.p
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